Sunday, April 15, 2012

Perfume Making

Grasse is a beautiful little hilltop city made famous by its long-standing reputation for exquisite perfume production. Normally, perfume creation is reserved for a very specific occupation aptly named, The Nose. We got the opportunity to create our own scent at a workshop out of Galimard Perfume Factory.

The process was actually quite interesting. We started the process by picking our two favorite scents out of a set of six. Those two scents became the two families of fragrances from which we would choose our "base" and "chest" scents. For both the base and chess scents we were again given six fragrances (three from each family of the two original scents) and again told to pick two out of the six. There was a similar process for the "face" scents but we were also allowed to choose fragrances from all of the scent families.

At the end of it, we produced 100 mL of our own unique perfume. I'm quite happy with the way mine turned out, and I'm excited to wear it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren! It seemed you had a good time making your own signature scent at the workshop. :-) Anyway, I agree that perfume making is really interesting. It’s like making your own personal statement through scents. And what is really amazing there is that no two scents are alike.

    Rob Feckler
